This will normally include tips to stagger the enemy faster. If you Assess an enemy and bring up their stat sheet on the left in the yellow text will be battle strategy recommendations. How to Earn: For this, you need to just deal enough damage to 15 different enemy types to stagger them. New Materia: ATB Boost Materia - Doubles ATB when activated. Tips: You can waste your ATB on non-damaging abilities and healing items so as to not waste any enemy health and maximize how much ATB you can regain This will be easiest to complete with Cloud as his Unique Ability is fast-paced. How to Earn: The wording on this report is a bit confusing but what you need to do is stagger an enemy and then do enough damage with a character's unique ability (their Triangle attack) in order to build up a portion of your ATB gauge. Along the way of completing all of the Battle Intel you'll net yourself the Summon A Slayer Trophy for your first Summon VR battle as well as Intelligence Agent Trophy for completing every battle intel report. Depending on where you are in the story you might not be able to see the Intel that's listed below but you can already start checking these boxes. One of the best things about the Battle Intel is that if you clear an objective before you get it from Chadley it unlocks retroactively. Completing Battle Intel is the only way to acquire some of these Materia so it's in your best interest to get these done as you go.

when you complete each one he'll reward you with the ability to purchase rare Materia.

Over the course of Final Fantasy VII Remake he adds more and more tasks to your Battle Intel list.

When you meet him he'll inform you that he's working on collecting Battle Intel to try to create Materia and undermine Shinra while he's at it. Final Fantasy VII Remake is out and while players are already out and about exploring Midgar you've likely come across Chadley in the Sector 5 slums on your first visit.