Spin Attack: Energy is stored within the Master Sword, of which Link releases by spinning around and attacking from every direction. Jump Strike: Link charges energy within the Master Sword, following with a two-hit combo that starts with a left swipe into the air and one strike downward, which creates an area-of-effect that damages and knocks back any nearby enemies. Jump Attack: Link jumps forward and strikes downward with his sword. With Epona, Link's travel speed is increased and can get around large fences. Expert Horseback Rider: Link has easily ridden his horse Epona around the fields of Hyrule without much trouble. Time and Weather Manipulation: With the Ocarina of Time, Link can instantly manipulate the weather or time itself for his own sake. Great Strategist: He can adapt to nearly any foe and he always manages to find out the enemy's weaknesses. Using his items now granted to him during his quest, Link must retrieve the Sages to take down Ganondorf once and for all.
Now with Ganondorf owning the Triforce of Power thanks to Link pulling the Master Sword, Link is tasked with retrieving six of the remaining sages to combat Ganondorf, each trapped within a specific dungeon. Link had to wait seven years until he was the appropriate age to wield the Blade of Evil's bane. Seven years after pulling the Master Sword out of the Pedestal of Time, Link woke up in the Temple of Light to where he was greeted by the Sage of Light, Rauru.